Augercast/Continuous Flight Auger (CFA) Piles
Kelikai specializes in the installation of CFA piles using ground-breaking technology. CFA piles are the new generation of auger cast piles, installed using fully computer monitored European style drill rigs rather than a bulky crane and leads setup. Because of the torque and crowd offered by the rigs, they can be installed to depths in excess of 100 feet and diameters up to 48 inches, allowable compression capacities in excess of 1500 kips. They offer numerous safety, environmental and production advantages in caving soil when compared to use of casing or drill slurry. Our personnel are highly experienced in the use of CFA including:
Design and load testing of CFA foundation piling.
Design of CFA shoring systems.
Use of CFA for pre-drilling application.
CFA pile installation in silts, sands, gravels, cobbles, and consolidated material
Use of CFA for both foundation and shoring applications
Use of multiple computer monitoring and control systems.
Real time monitoring of pile construction and FTP downloading of pile reports.
Use of CFA on both public and private projects.
Use of CFA piles to create continuous bottom seals below the water table.